You see, September 1st marked the end of my first full month in the Medium partner program, and I’m happy to report that I consider it a success. From August 1st, 2022 to August 31st, 2022, I raked in a grand total of $12.26 (USD).
My $4.99 Medium Membership Paid for Itself
I figured that it would take weeks, if not months of strenuous work to make my first cent. After all, that’s been my entire experience with online income sources, in general.
As it turns out, when it comes to Medium I was wrong. Really wrong.
I Met My First Troll On Medium Today
I Didn’t Let Him Break Me—
I’ve only been on Medium for three weeks.
In that small amount of time I’ve found an enormous, amazing, and supportive community that embraces and encourages creativity.