It’s Okay to Take a Break.

Please Remind Yourself To

Two days ago I finished a major project that I’d been working on.

After I completed the final touches and hit “submit” on my keyboard, I felt an immediate sense of relief.

After all, I’d spent five weeks obsessing over this work. Day in and day out, I’d eat, breathe, and dream about this project.

For five weeks there were no “days off”, there were only early mornings and long nights.

So after feeling the relief those first few seconds, a horrific realization set in:

I had nothing to do.

There were no more proofs to read, videos to cut, or drafts to edit — and, it all felt wrong — really wrong.

Anxiety began to form in my chest and I started to panic a little.

While trying to appease my anxiety, I began looking for work to do. When I found none, I began to second guess myself.

Did I really finish?

Was I sure I didn’t I make a mistake?

Did I forget something?

I spent a few minutes worrying like this until I forced myself to stop.

It was time to knock some sense into myself.

It’s okay to take a break”, I said to myself.

I also made sure to keep repeating that phrase until actually I believed it.

I love to work, but I get so caught up in it sometimes that I forget to spend my time where it matters most — taking care of my well being and spending time with my family.

So for the last 48 hours I unplugged.

I didn’t work, I didn’t write, and I didn’t even check my email.

Instead I played games with my kids, I had intentional conversations with my husband, and I got out to see the world.

I also went on walks and did some weight training.

By the end of the first day my anxiety was gone and I couldn’t have been happier.

I love to work, but I don’t regret taking that break.

My anxiety was my body telling me that I needed to take care of myself — so I did. I really needed it too.

Just remember, it’s okay to take a break, so please do.

Oh Hey, It’s Ray is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, and former real estate agent. She lives happily with her husband and two children in the Pacific Northwest. See more from Ray at her YouTube channel and on

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