Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

I Made $12.26 in My First Month of the Medium Partner Program

Here’s How I Did It (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links.

I’m a little late on posting this but I really feel like it’s still pretty important for me to share—I made $12.26 in my first full month of the Medium Partner Program.

You see, September 1st marked the end of my first full month in the Medium partner program, and I’m happy to report that I consider it a success.

From August 1st, 2022 to August 31st, 2022, I raked in a grand total of $12.26 (USD).

That’s a far cry from the $0.41 that I made during my first “technical” month in the MPP.

Mind you, I had only joined the partner program in July with just 48 hours left in the entire month — so I consider 41 cents a success under those extreme circumstances.

Just in case you’re curious, here’s the receipts to show you that I’m not just pulling your leg. Here’s my earnings —

Image by Oh Hey, It’s Ray on Medium

Now, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again — because I really believe it.

My success and steady growth can be attributed to exactly three things:


In the MPP, you get paid when a paying Medium Member reads your posts. So, it reasons that if you’re not posting anything, then no one can read your content (because there isn’t any), and then you don’t get paid at all!

Herein lies the reason that posting should be your number one priority. To be successful, you need readers, and you need to write content for people to read. So post, darn it! Write to your heart’s content.


I’m always going to put engagement on the list here. This is almost just as important as making sure that you actually write content.

It’s one thing to write and post content, but you can’t just expect people to start reading your work and have it go viral.

In a perfect world, yes that would be great. But we’re on Earth now, and for most people success doesn’t just appear by itself. No, you have to work for it.

That’s where engagement comes in. Right now, nobody knows who you are. You need to comment, like, and engage with others to network and get your name out there.

Make friends — the more you make, the more you’ll get discovered.


Finally — and you’re probably sick of hearing this — consistency is key.

If you’re not regularly writing, and regularly engaging on the platform, then you’re not regularly growing.

If you’re regularly writing and regularly engaging on the platform, then you’re making progress. It’s just that simple. Truly.

These three things are why I’ve been able to grow steadily (and why you will too), but they’re actually also why I’m expecting a drop in my income at the end of this period.

Yeah it’s true, I’d be surprised if I beat my record of $12.26 in September.

The truth is, I just haven’t been following all three of these steps this month, and it’s been intentional — for the most part.

Currently, I have multiple projects that I’m working on, alongside homeschooling responsibilities.

When I started Medium, I never intended it to be my main focus. Instead it was always meant to be one of multiple legs in my business structure.

For a while, I got sidetracked because I was just so excited. This platform is amazing and you all are just so supportive. Truly, it’s a great environment.

But as the exhilaration faded, I needed to remind myself what my priorities are.

My first priority has always been to build my business. Medium is apart of that, but it’s only a small part.

So, while I may be writing here a little less, I’m still working behind the scenes. I’m still creating content, and I’m still working towards my overall progress.

Just remember, prioritize what matters most to you and success will find you.

© Oh Hey, It’s Ray

This article was originally published on

Oh Hey, It’s Ray is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, and former real estate agent. She lives happily with her husband and two children in the Pacific Northwest. See more from Ray at her YouTube channel and on

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