Everyone wants to know how to make more money — that’s why side hustles have become a big part of many people’s lives. Here are 7 side hustle businesses you can start today without spending any money.
My Video Production Equipment
Below, you’ll find a complete list of all the equipment that I use to film and edit my YouTube videos. Even though I may get a commission from items purchased through these links, I want you to know that I really do use these tools while making my videos every week.
I Made $12.26 in My First Full Month of the Medium Partner Program
You see, September 1st marked the end of my first full month in the Medium partner program, and I’m happy to report that I consider it a success. From August 1st, 2022 to August 31st, 2022, I raked in a grand total of $12.26 (USD).
My $4.99 Medium Membership Paid for Itself
I figured that it would take weeks, if not months of strenuous work to make my first cent. After all, that’s been my entire experience with online income sources, in general.
As it turns out, when it comes to Medium I was wrong. Really wrong.
5 Reasons I Started a Publishing Company
And Why It Doesn’t Feel Like I Did — 
I started a publishing company.
As small as my indie company may be, it’s legitimate.
I weighed the pros and cons and decided to go through the trouble of forming an LLC, taking care of my accounting records, and coming up with a trade name.
I made $0.91 in my first 7 days of the Medium Partner Program
Here’s How I Made it Happen—
Believe it or not, I didn’t join Medium to make money.
Instead, I wanted to focus on building an audience and I saw medium as a much more viable way to do that than by attempting to build my own blog from scratch — all by myself.
You Might Get Sued For Using Public Domain Images
Copyright Law and Faithful Reproductions in the United States of America
Publishing with KDP is Hard (But You Can Do It!)
Publishing with KDP is Hard (But You Can Do It!) KDP is hard. Like, really hard. I just thought you should know that. My Experience…
3 Things You Need to Make Money with Your Writing
3 Things You Need to Make Money with Your Writing Okay, maybe you’re not exactly broke. But, you aren’t making any money from your writing…