Credit card debt can be an overwhelming financial challenge, especially when you’re managing multiple balances with high interest rates. Making only the minimum payments often…
5 Steps to Fix Your BAD Credit Score (ASAP)
Your credit score is a powerful tool to help you get ahead financially. However, at the same time, it can work against you. Here’s how to fix yours as fast as possible.
Why I Love My AMEXÂ Platinum Card
Plus, A Much Needed Life Hack for Saving Money in the 2023 Recession—Even more than the feeling of prestige that one may or may not get from this shiny hunk of metal sitting in their wallet, you do have the potential to get some serious savings.
Bye, Bye, FICO: Mortgage Credit Scores are Changing
For nearly twenty years mortgage lenders have relied on classic FICO scores to determine the eligibility of consumers applying for home loans. Now, an announcement made by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has warned us that things are about to change — and it may make it easier for thousands of people to buy a house.
AVANT Spammed Me
I’d never even heard of Avant before. After reading that email my mind immediately began racing.
What is a Credit Card?
Since starting my channel I’ve been getting lots of questions, and I’ve noticed that the one thing that everyone really has in common is that…
Variable Rate VS Fixed Rate Credit Cards
Did you know that there are different types of credit cards? Yep, it’s true, and today I’m going to be talking about 2 of them—variable rate credit cards and fixed rate credit cards.
Never heard of them? That’s okay.
FICO Score: 669 to 705 in 5 Months
This is a formerly unpublished story from our archives dated 5/24/2020. Unlike me, my husband has never had good credit. When we first started dating…
What are Mortgage Credit Scores?
The article below is a transcript of a video originally posted to my YouTube channel on April 5th, 2021. Hey, it’s Ray! I wanted to…