Your credit score is a powerful tool to help you get ahead financially. However, at the same time, it can work against you. Here’s how to fix yours as fast as possible.
7 Side Hustles you Can Start With No Money
Everyone wants to know how to make more money — that’s why side hustles have become a big part of many people’s lives. Here are 7 side hustle businesses you can start today without spending any money.
The Psychology of Money (A Book Club Review)
Last December I was gifted The Pyschology of Money. I was genuinely excited to read this because it had been a while since I’d dove headfirst into a good self-help book—and financial books are some of my absolute favorites. This book, in particular, I’d learned, was so popular that it had sold over 2 million copies since it was first published.
Why I Love My AMEXÂ Platinum Card
Plus, A Much Needed Life Hack for Saving Money in the 2023 Recession—Even more than the feeling of prestige that one may or may not get from this shiny hunk of metal sitting in their wallet, you do have the potential to get some serious savings.
How to Price Your House to Sell
Homeowners who are looking to sell their homes are finding that it really isn’t easy anymore. That’s why, as a seller, you need to make sure that you are pricing your home correctly.
3 Secrets of Buying a House
Buying a house for the first time is one of the most exciting experiences someone can go through. It’s also one of the scariest.
There were so many hiccups along the way and things that I’d wished I’d been told about before I had started the process.
My Video Production Equipment
Below, you’ll find a complete list of all the equipment that I use to film and edit my YouTube videos. Even though I may get a commission from items purchased through these links, I want you to know that I really do use these tools while making my videos every week.
Bye, Bye, FICO: Mortgage Credit Scores are Changing
For nearly twenty years mortgage lenders have relied on classic FICO scores to determine the eligibility of consumers applying for home loans. Now, an announcement made by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has warned us that things are about to change — and it may make it easier for thousands of people to buy a house.
$1.6 Billion Powerball Win: 7 Steps to STAYÂ Rich
There are countless stories of lottery winners who beat the odds and win the life changing sum. However, there are also just as many stories of winners going bankrupt within five years — all because they impulsively spend their money. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Make Easy Money with This Investment During the Recession
It might be your last chance—This classic inflation fighting investment is at a very high rate rate now, but not for much longer. Learn how you can make money easily, before this rate drops.